Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence


Independent Campus Program-Based Curriculum of Bachelor Program in Management


Graduates Profiles
Graduates Employment Profile Descriptions
Mid-level Professional Managers
Graduates who demonstrate independence in thinking, confidence, and clarity of opinions, conduct analysis considering various perspectives, make holistic decisions, design, implement, control and evaluate designs, including resource allocation of time and funds, show empathy, humility, selflessness, and have a positive influence on their environment.
New Entrepreneurs
Graduates who are capable of identifying business opportunities, creating designs, and realizing new business opportunities, show empathy, humility, selflessness, and have a positive influence on their environment.
Successors in Family Business
Graduates who are willing to continue family business, capable of identifying business opportunities, creating designs, and realizing business opportunities to develop the existing family businesses, show empathy, humility, selflessness, and have a positive influence on their environment.
Small and Medium-Sized Business Consultants
Graduates who can perceive the business context, identify key success factors, and provide concrete advice/ solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises, show empathy, humility, selflessness, and have a positive influence on their environment.
Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Able to effectively communicate in written and oral
  2. Able to analyze and formulate problems
  3. Able to identify ethical problems and answer the problems in a socially responsible way
  4. Able to work with other and in groups effectively
  5. Able to translate the knowledge about business and management into practice
  6. Able to formulate problems, develop alternative solutions, and predict risks from each alternative solutions, and choose an alternative based on a measured and clear argument
  7. Show an attitude and ability to actively look for opportunities, innovate and improve continuously
  8. Able to choose and use accurate information technology to support the business decision making
  9. Able to apply various thinking skills to reach the target and able to assess made decision.
Program Learning Outcomes of Bachelor Program in Management

Odd Semester 2021 

Even Semester 2021


Bachelor Program in Management Course
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS101 /
Christian Education /
Religion Phenomenology
MS103 Pancasila Philosophy 2  
MS105 Interpersonal and Leadership Skills 3  
MS107 Indonesian Language for Academic Writing 2  
MS109 Critical and Reflective Thinking 3  
MS111 Management 3  
MS113 Business Basic 3  
MS115 Accounting for Business and Practice 3  
Total Credits 21  
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS102 Civic Education 2
MS104 English for Business 2
MS106 Tax and Law 3
MS108 Business Economics I 3
MS110 Business Statistics I and Practice 3
MS112 Cost Accounting 3 Accounting for Business and Practice
MS114 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3
Total Credits 19
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS201 Business Economics II 3 Business Economics I
MS203 Marketing Management 3 Business Basic, Management
MS205 Operations Management 3 Business Basic, Management
MS207 Financial Management 3 Business Basic, Management
MS209 Organizational Behaviour 3 Business Basic, Management
MS211 Managerial Accounting 3 Cost Accounting
MS213 Business Statistics II and Practice 3 Business Statistics I and Practice
Total Credits 21
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS202 Business Communication and Negotiation 3 Marketing Management, Operations Management, Financial Management, Organizational Behaviour
MS204 Marketing Mix Management 3 Marketing Management
MS206 Advanced Operations Management 3 Operations Management, Quantitative Analysis
MS208 Advanced Financial Management 3 Financial Management
MS210 Human Resources Management 3 Organizational Behaviour
MS212 Indonesian Economics In Global Context 3 Business Economics II
MS214 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3 Marketing Management, Operations Management, Financial Management, Organizational Behaviour
Total Credits 21  
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
Major I* 3 For other than Entrepreneurship Concentration: 4th semester courses according to their field
For Entrepreneurship Concentration: Marketing Mix, Advanced Operations Management, Advanced Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Major II* 3
Major III* 3
MS301 Business Planning 3 Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Marketing Mix, Advanced Operations Management, Human Resource Management, Advanced Financial Management
MS303 Business Research Method and Practice 3 Business Statistics II, while taking: Major 1 and Major 2
MS305 International Business 3 Indonesian Economics In The Global Contexs, Marketing Mix, Advanced Financial Management, Advanced Operations Management, Human Resource Management
MS307 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis 3 Indonesian Economics In The Global Contexs, Marketing Mix, Advanced Operations Management, Advanced Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Total Credits 21  
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
Major IV* 3 For other than Entrepreneurship Concentration: 4th semester courses according to their field
For Entrepreneurship Concentration: Marketing Mix, Advanced Operations Management, Advanced Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Major V* 3
MS302 Change Management 3 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis
MS304 Business Budgeting 3 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis, Business Plan
MS306 Business Development 3 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis, Business Plan
MS308 E-Business 3 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis, Business Plan
MS310 Capital Market and Practice 3 Advanced Financial Management
Total Credits 21  

*) MAJOR I - V Courses (3 compulsory linear courses with concentration, 2 elective courses may cross concentration)

Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
Major Course in Marketing Management
Major I
Market Research 3 Financial Management, Marketing Mix
Major II
Consumer Behavior 3 Financial Management, Marketing Mix
Major III
Marketing Communication 3 Financial Management, Marketing Mix
Major IV
Brand Management 3 Financial Management, Marketing Mix
Major V
Customer Relations Management 3 Financial Management, Marketing Mix
Major Course in Financial Management
Major I
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 3 Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management
Major II
International Finance Management 3 Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management
Major III
Behaviour Finance 3 Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management
Major IV
Financial Report Analysis 3 Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management
Major V
Business Valuation 3 Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management
Major Course in Human Resource Management
Major I
Organizational Design 3 Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management
Major II
Organizational Psychology 3 Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management
Major III
Organizational Culture 3 Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management
Major IV
International Human Resource Management 3 Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management
Major V
Human Resource Development 3 Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management
Major Course in Operations Management
Major I
Facility Planning 3 Operations Management, Advanced Operations Management
Major II
Quality Management 3 Operations Management, Advanced Operations Management
Major III
Supply Chain Management 3 Operations Management, Advanced Operations Management
Major IV
Project Management 3 Operations Management, Advanced Operations Management
Major V
Operation Scheduling 3 Operations Management, Advanced Operations Management
Major Course in Entrepreneurship
Major I
Ultimate Entrepreneurial Challenge 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Major II
Entrepreneurial Professionalism 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Major III
Integrated Business Experience 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Major IV
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Management 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Major V
Family Business Management 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS401 Financial Planning 3 Financial Management, Stock Market + Practicum
MS403 Business Architecture and Governance 3 Strategic Planning and Risk Analysis
MS405 Service Management 3 E-Business
MS407 Business Ethics 2 Along with the seminar
MS409 Major Seminar 3 Major 1, 2, 3 linear areas of concentration and Research Methods for Business
Total Credits 14  
Code Courses Credits Course Prerequisites
MS-410 Thesis 6 Passing a minimum of C courses must pass before the Final Session
Total Credits 6  


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