Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

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Faculty of Business: “How to Survive in Crisis” Webinar

uploaded: 16 June 2022
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To support the livestock industry in Indonesia during the current pandemic, the Faculty of Business (FB) of Maranatha Christian University conducted Community Service (PkM) through the webinar series with the theme "How to Survive in Crisis”. The first webinar, which was attended by more than 150 farmers in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, will take place on Friday, May 28, 2021 via the Zoom platform.

Tan Ming Kuang, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Business, stated that the purpose of this event was to provide inspiration and motivation to all livestock business actors in facing the challenging pandemic period. “We hope that through discussion, we can learn new things together, both from speakers in the academic field and also from participants who are really involved in this business field,” said Tan Ming Kuang.

This activity presented three speakers from the faculty. They are Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., as lecturer and Vice Chancellor for Finance, Strategy Development, and Information Technology UK Maranatha; Dr. Drs. Jahja Hamdani Widjaja, M.M., as Head of Bachelor of Management Program; and Dr. Benny B. Tjandrasa, S.E., M.M., as lecturer in the Master of Management Program in finance. This activity was moderated by the Head of Master of Management Program, Dr. Agus Ariwibowo, M.M.

Maya explained that the crisis faced by all economic business actors, including farmers, as a result of this pandemic has indeed caused many difficulties in all aspects of life. However, Maya always encourages us not to feel hopeless because behind the occurrence of a crisis, there is a great opportunity that can be exploited.

She also gave some tips, so that livestock business actors can survive to face the crisis, which she developed from the word crisis itself, namely Collaboration, Relationships, Innovation, Patience, Knowledge, and Gratitude. Collaboration means that business actors cannot work by relying on themselves, but must start collaborating with other parties. Building the widest possible relationship is also needed to create good opportunities. “Innovation means being willing to try and adapt to new things. Have patience as a life process to consistently make improvements for the better. Continue to increase knowledge with people who are more skilled or read many sources of knowledge. Lastly, be grateful for what you have,” said Maya. (sg/gn)


Photo: doc. PKM Committee via Zoom

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