Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Dean’s List 2021/2022, Appreciation of 372 High-achieving Students of Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University

uploaded: November 17, 2022
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Maranatha Christian University has shown its existence as one of the best private universities in Indonesia with having produced students with integrity and excellent achievements. Each semester, Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University, holds an award event to all students with highest GPA of every batch.

This award ceremony was held October 29, 2022 via online and onsite, attended by all lecturers and remarkable students of 2021/2022 study period. Starting with a greeting by Mr. Tan Ming Kwang, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty. In his speech, this achievement was said to be extraordinary. It is proved by the coming of new generations that produced tons of accomplishments in one semester.

This event was attended by other officials of Faculty of Business, of which are Ms Imelda Junita, S.E., M.T. (Vice Dean of Academics), Ms Felicia Abednego, S.E., M.M. (Vice Dean of Resources), Ms Santi Setiawan, SE, MSi. (Head of Accounting Department), Ms Maria Natalia, S.E., M.S.Ak (Accounting Department Secretary), Mr. Dr. Jahja Hamdani Widjaja, S.E., M.M. (Head of Management Department), Mr. Rully Arlan Tjahyadi, S.E., M.Si. (Management Department Secretary).

Students from period of 2019 to 2021, also attended the event. There were 372 students who excelled to receive Dean’s List, where 145 of them came from the Accounting Department and 227 came from the Management. Best Portfolio was also given to active students on campus.

Each outstanding student’s profiles and achievements were mentioned and as for “the best of the best”, they had a chance to share their motivational stories in studying. It was done, so that other students might get the idea and be motivated.

They were proud and thankful for the appreciation from the campus. They said that the university has always provided facilities, competent lecturers, support, and aids in developing skills. These achievements could be reached due to all the support and guidance from loved lecturers.

There were also creative music performances from the students, of which are Live Music, Music Video performance, and greetings from parents that have trusted their children to be creative and innovative at campus.

“We’d like to thank the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University that have built good characters and intelligence for our children to keep innovating. By conducting such an event, students can be triggered to keep learning. Keep contributing and applying values of integrity, care, and excellence!”

By this, it is hoped that students can maximize their potential in the academic and non-academic fields; in the national and international competitions; and they will continue to develop these magnificent skills for society’s well-being.

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