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Christmas Celebration of the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University in 2022

uploaded: 22 December 2022
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Christmas Celebration of the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University in 2022 came up with the theme of "Growing and Fruitful in God". This event was attended by Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Dean, Deputy Dean and the Faculty of Business family. The Christmas service was delivered by the Servant of the Word, Mr. Ev. Hendra Sulaiman. In his sermon, he conveyed that we must grow and bear fruit by abiding in God. We were also called to have an impact on this world by developing the talents that God has entrusted to us.


After listening to God's Word, the event continued with a procession of lighting Christmas candles by inviting the Campus Priest represented by the Chair of the BPK (Spiritual Service Organization), Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business and Chair of the Christmas Committee for the Faculty of Business. The Christmas service was closed with a prayer delivered by the Chairman of the BPK.


The event was then followed by a Christmas celebration which began with a memento given by the Dean of the Faculty of Business to Ms. Dra. Ika Gunawan, M.M, who is entering retirement age. It was followed by a Merry-Christmas greeting delivered by the Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University and the Dean of the Faculty of Business.


In this Christmas celebration, door prizes were also given to the lucky invitees. Performances from Faculty of Business Lecturers and Staff who presented poems, songs, and dances from various regions in Indonesia also enlivened this moment.


The hymn "Bersama Maranatha" sung by the Faculty of Business Lecturers and Staff closed the Christmas celebration of the Faculty of Business Maranatha Christian University in 2022.

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