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uploaded: 6 November 2023
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Bandung, September 23, 2023 - The Student Senate's visit to the Gedung Sate in Bandung is part of the cultural awareness activities of the students.

SCCC or "Social Community Care for Culture" is one of the working agendas of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Business, Social Community Bureau, which involves visits to places with cultural elements, especially in the city of Bandung. In addition, the Student Senate also invites students of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University to participate in all its activities, including SCCC, to introduce and raise awareness among Business Faculty students about various cultures, especially in the city of Bandung. Various parties are involved in the SPBU event, including Firman Musa Sihombing, the head of the event and a member of the Social Community Bureau, Tasya Feby as the deputy of the Social Community Bureau, and other members of the Student Senate and students from the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University. The SCCC event aims to interact directly with Business Faculty students in the hope of building better relationships.


The destination for this time is the Gedung Sate Museum, located at Jl. Diponegoro No. 22, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Bandung, West Java. SCCC provides facilities including tickets, transportation, and refreshments for the participating students. However, there's no need to worry, as the entrance fee to visit the Gedung Sate Museum is only Rp 5,000, and you can explore a wide range of art and cultural collections. You can also see various types of stones, such as river rocks, glass stones, and Swedish steel used in the construction of Gedung Sate. Various collections are presented, including visual representations of Bandung City seen from a skywalk in the audio-visual corridor.

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