Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Bachelor Program in Management

The need for managerial skills as one of the determinants of competitiveness that needs to be developed by the community in facing global competition is increasingly real. The community increasingly covets Nation’s next generation, who possesses excellent managerial skills to become leaders in the future. Everyone needs “Management”, be it individuals, groups, organizations, or society because everyone wants to live a better life.

On the other hand, the ability of the community to become a pioneer in entrepreneurship is also important in the midst of intense competition for jobs. By becoming an entrepreneur, new jobs will be created innovatively. In order to answer this need, the program is here to prepare for a brighter future for the nation. The graduates produced will become a new generation who are managerially skilled, creative, and innovative in entrepreneurship.

Starting from a dream to become one of the best Management Programs in Indonesia in the midst of continuous renewal in the world of higher education, we are committed to producing graduates who are ready to face the demands of the industry and society. We continue to strive for various strategies that include curriculum that links & matches with the industrial world, improvement of service excellence for customer satisfaction, as well as quality development of lecturers in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education in order to achieve continuous quality improvement. link & match dengan dunia industi, peningkatan service excellence demi kepuasan customer, serta pengembangan kualitas dosen dalam melaksanakan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi terus kami upayakan demi mencapai peningkatan kualitas secara terus-menerus.


Academic Activities

Program Sarjana S-1 Manajemen menerapkan kurikulum link and match dengan dunia industri untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang siap menghadapi tuntutan dunia industri dan masyarakat. Mahasiswa dididik oleh staf pengajar yang memiliki tingkat pendidikan S-2 & S-3 serta pengalaman yang tinggi sebagai praktisi perusahaan atau pelaku usaha. Metode pendidikan ditekankan pada pembekalan pengelolaan organisasi, pengembangan usaha dan karakter berdasarkan nilai-nilai integritas, kepedulian, keprimaan, hormat dan inovasi.

Students will be equipped with various courses that not only develop managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, but are also equipped with various soft skills needed in the world of business, such as leadership and interpersonal skills, business communication and presentation skills, and negotiation skills. soft skills yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia kerja dan bisnis, seperti kepemimpinan dan keterampilan antarpribadi, komunikasi bisnis dan keterampilan presentasi, dan keterampilan negosiasi.


Future and Career

Lulusan Program Sarjana S-1 Manajemen dapat berkarier dalam berbagai tingkatan manajemen dalam mengelola perusahaan manufaktur dan jasa, berkarier sebagai konsultan manajemen dan bisnis, karier akademik di bidang manajemen, serta menjadi wirausahawan di berbagai bidang bisnis.

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