Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Master Program in Accounting

Program Magister Akuntansi (MAKSI) adalah program studi strata dua di bidang akuntansi. MAKSI bertujuan menjadi wahana untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan profesionalisme bagi para lulusannya, yaitu memiliki kompetensi yang dapat diandalkan dalam bidang akuntansi keuangan, akuntansi manajemen, dan perpajakan berikut aplikasinya, serta memiliki soft skills  (leadership, strategic thinking, critical thinking, public speaking, dll.) yang sangat diperlukan dalam dunia kerja.

Masa Studi (Tahun/Semester): 1.5 Tahun / 3 Semester
Jumlah Kredit (SKS): 36 SKS


  • Komputer Akuntansi Digital
  • Kompetensi Akuntansi Manajemen
  • Kompetensi Akuntansi Pajak



Lab Keluarga, Ruang Kelas, Ruang Dosen, Perpustakaan Pusat, dll

Graduates Profiles

MAKSI graduates are expected to become consultants and designers of accounting systems as well as key sources in determining company's strategic policies. MAKSI offers a specific, yet flexible curriculum in order to accommodate the needs of graduates in an effort to have these competencies, in line with the development of knowledge and technology as well as the needs of the work field. Some of the career fields that can be pursued, for instance, are:

  • Head of Accounting Division at various companies/institutions
  • Head of Taxation at various companies/institutions
  • Supervisor/Manager untuk Financial Accounting Department
  • Project Accountant Supervisor
  • Plant Accountant Supervisor
  • Management Information System Consultant
  • Cost Management Consultant
  • Management Control System Designer
  • Supervisor/Manager untuk Cost/Management Accounting Department
  • Pengajar pada Program Studi S-1 atau Program Studi Diploma Akuntansi
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