Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Master Program in Management Profile

The Master Program in Management is an educational program that instills skills and expertise in the field of business management and development managed by organizations and business institutions. It also instills skills and expertise in formulating effective and efficient strategies in dealing with various actual challenges faced by organizations in a competitive and global environment. Lastly, it contributes to development of intellectual competence (knowledge & skills) and social competence (attitude & character) to become a person full of integrity in terms of “society knowledge” and economy in accordance with the values ​​of the Maranatha Christian University, namely Integrity, Care and Excellence. knowledge society dan economy sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Program Studi S-2 (Magister) Manajemen Universitas Kristen Maranatha yaitu Integrity, Care and Excellence.

The program produces graduates who are competent leaders in terms of:

  1. Managing and developing the company's business and other business organizations.
  2. Using the right strategy to solve various actual problems faced by organizations in a competitive and global environment through conceptual and practical knowledge.
  3. Developing intellectual competence (knowledge and skills) as well as social competence (attitude and character) to become a person full of integrity in terms of knowledge society and economy in accordance with the values ​​of the program, namely Integrity, Care and Excellence. knowledge society dan economysesuai dengan nilai-nilai program Magister Manajemen Universitas Kristen Maranatha yaitu Integrity, Care and Excellence.

The Master's Program in Management at Maranatha begins with matriculation program activities. The matriculation program is an activity that must be followed by students before attending the first semester of lectures which aims to equalize students' knowledge of management-related materials to a level that is considered minimal to be able to take courses in the Master's Program in Management curriculum.

The matriculation program consists of 4 courses. Each course consists of 8 face-to-face meetings and 1 matriculation exam. The results of the evaluation of the matriculation exam are declared by passing or not passing. For students who are declared not to have passed, they must re-take the matriculation course.


The areas of concentration held by the Master's Program in Management are:

  • Marketing Strategy and Communication
  • Corporate Finance and Business Risk
  • Professional Human Resources
  • Entrepreneurship Management
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