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BUSINESS IN ACTION! Visit of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University to Rumah Kasih Karunia, Bandung

uploaded: 11 July 2023
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Bandung, June 23, 2023 - The Student Senate of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, through the Social Community Bureau, held its agenda by visiting the Rumah Kasih Karunia Orphanage located in Bandung City.

This event provided an opportunity for the non-student senate to actively contribute to the social activities, where fellow volunteers joined to assist in every aspect of the event.

Before the visit, an open donation drive was conducted, successfully gathering contributions from both internal and external sources. All donations were then channeled to Rumah Kasih Karunia to support the activities and needs of the orphanage's children.

The event commenced with an opening speech by Reverend Thomas Lukiman, S.Th., emphasizing the importance of utilizing time for doing good deeds in life. "As humans, it is only natural for us to make good use of our time because the one thing that cannot be purchased with material possessions is time," he stated, referring to Colossians 4:5. Following the opening, a collective worship session was conducted.

The main activities of the event were divided into two parts, tailored to the needs and ages of the children at Rumah Kasih Karunia. For children who are still attending elementary and junior high school, they engaged in a Go-Green activity by planting trees. Besides providing them with gardening experience, this activity aimed to teach them the importance of environmental conservation from a young age.

On the other hand, high school and college-aged children were allowed to share their grievances and experiences during a Sharing Session. The purpose of this session was to provide them with a platform to express their feelings, difficulties, and challenges, as well as to receive support and understanding from the student senators.

Both sessions were designed considering the limited available time and with the hope of making a positive impact on the lives of the orphanage's children. The enthusiastic students eagerly shared their knowledge, experiences, and support with the children, making them feel wanted and valued.

At the end of the event, the children of Rumah Kasih Karunia expressed their gratitude by delivering a special performance. In this performance, several children played the violin as the main instrument, while the concluding song was sung in the Korean language. This successfully created a heartfelt atmosphere for the attending audience.

The event concluded with a moment of togetherness captured between Rumah Kasih Karunia, the families from Maranatha Christian University, and the volunteers. The success of this event highlights the importance of active student participation in social activities, while also providing valuable experiences for the children in the orphanage. Hopefully, this visit serves as a starting point for further collaborations that will bring positive impacts to the surrounding community.

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