Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

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Ariesya Aprillia, S.E., M.Si.

Ariesya Aprillia, S.E., M.Si.

Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520040

Lecturer Profile

Ariesya Aprillia, S.E., M.Si.

Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520040

Lecturer Profile


2004-2006     M.Si. (Master of Science) in Management at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
1999-2003     S.E. (Bachelor of Economics) in Management at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.


Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Magdalena, N. (2021). Kepuasan Kerja: Apakah Jenjang Jabatan Akademik Membuat Perbedaan? Jurnal Dayasaing.

Setiawan, R., Aprillia, A., & Magdalena, N. (2021). Kajian Diferensial Prestasi Akademik Pelajar Universitas X Berdasarkan Diversity Facets. Jurnal Education and Development.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Magdalena, N. (2020). Measurement of lecturer satisfaction. The New Educational Review.

Setiawan R., Aprillia, A., & Magdalena, N. (2020). Analysis of antecedent factors in academic achievement and student retention. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal Emerald Publishing.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Munthe, R.G. (2019). Online luxury and in-store luxury shoppers’ analysis toward luxury goods. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Munthe, R.G., Aprillia, A., & Setiawan, R. (2019). Building organizational commitment of generation Y at workplace: A theoretical perspective. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Setiawan, R., Munthe, R.G., & Aprillia, A. (2019). Influences of social support on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Aprillia, A. & Magdalena, N. (2018). Pengukuran kualitas layanan dalam bidang Pendidikan tinggi. Maranatha Management Journal.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Munthe, R.G. (2017). Testing of management commitment as antecedent of prosocial service behavior with job satisfaction as mediating variable. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research.

Setiawan, R., Munthe, R.G., & Aprillia, A. (2017). Testing personality as antecedent of students’ entrepreneurial activities. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research.



2004-2006     M.Si. (Master of Science) in Management at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
1999-2003     S.E. (Bachelor of Economics) in Management at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.


Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Magdalena, N. (2021). Kepuasan Kerja: Apakah Jenjang Jabatan Akademik Membuat Perbedaan? Jurnal Dayasaing.

Setiawan, R., Aprillia, A., & Magdalena, N. (2021). Kajian Diferensial Prestasi Akademik Pelajar Universitas X Berdasarkan Diversity Facets. Jurnal Education and Development.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Magdalena, N. (2020). Measurement of lecturer satisfaction. The New Educational Review.

Setiawan R., Aprillia, A., & Magdalena, N. (2020). Analysis of antecedent factors in academic achievement and student retention. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal Emerald Publishing.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Munthe, R.G. (2019). Online luxury and in-store luxury shoppers’ analysis toward luxury goods. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Munthe, R.G., Aprillia, A., & Setiawan, R. (2019). Building organizational commitment of generation Y at workplace: A theoretical perspective. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Setiawan, R., Munthe, R.G., & Aprillia, A. (2019). Influences of social support on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Scopus Indexed Proceedings, Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

 Aprillia, A. & Magdalena, N. (2018). Pengukuran kualitas layanan dalam bidang Pendidikan tinggi. Maranatha Management Journal.

Aprillia, A., Setiawan, R., & Munthe, R.G. (2017). Testing of management commitment as antecedent of prosocial service behavior with job satisfaction as mediating variable. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research.

Setiawan, R., Munthe, R.G., & Aprillia, A. (2017). Testing personality as antecedent of students’ entrepreneurial activities. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research.


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