Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

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Dr. Lina Anatan, S.E., M.Si.

Dr. Lina Anatan, S.E., M.Si.

Master Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520035

Lecturer Profile

Dr. Lina Anatan, S.E., M.Si.

Master Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520035

Lecturer Profile


1997-2001       BA in Economics, Economics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University, Surabaya
2003-2005       Master of Science in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
2009-2017       Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta

Research Interest

My research so far has focused on operations management (such as manufacturing strategy implementation, technology adoption, and supply chain management in manufacturing companies in Indonesia) and strategic management (such as strategic alliances specifically between universities and industry, knowledge management in manufacturing companies in Indonesia). In the last three years, the focus of research has been on the application of knowledge management in MSME and the readiness of MSME to face digital-based transformation.


Anatan, L., 2018. The use of conjoint analysis in strategic decision making: An initial study. Kinerja: Journal of Business and Economics , 22 (1),

Anatan, L., Hamdani, J., Sherlywati, 2018. Stakeholder mapping of educational supply chain management (ESCM): Insight from private universities in Indonesia. The international journal of business and management, 6 (8), 61-72

Malinda, M., Anatan, L., Kristine, F., 2018. Analysis of strategic competency and organization performance: Evidence from private universities in Indonesia. The international journal of business and management, 6 (8), 23-28

Anatan, L., 2018. An institutional perspective of knowledge transfer within university and industry alliance. International journal of economics policy in emerging economy, 11 (4), 378-392. 45-68

Ellitan, L., Anatan, L., 2020. Achieving business continuity in industrial 4.0 and Society 5.0. International Journal of trend in scientific research and development, 4 (2), 235-239.

Tjandrasa, B.B., Anatan, L., Ardianto, N., 2020. Prediction and analysis of ecotourism visitors at Jendela Alam. Asian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 1 (2), 63-75.

Anatan, L., 2021. Interorganizational knowledge transfer practices toward MSMEs 4.0: AProposed conceptual framework. Review of Integrative Business and Economic Research, 10 (Supplementaryissue 3), 409-418.

Anatan, L., Nur, 2021. A review on MSMEs Resilience: Strategies and Policies Post Covid-19 Pandemic Review of Integrative Business and Economic Research, 10 (Supplementaryissue 3), 386-394


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

The teaching method is adjusted to the course (whether purely theoretical or there are mathematical calculation methods required) and the competency targets to be achieved in each course. The learning process for each meeting is carried out in two stages including explanations of theoretical and practical material by the lecturer for 60 minutes and discussion/practice questions given to students so that students are expected to not only understand theory but be able to apply it for decision making in reality.

Courses Coordinated

– Business Economics I
– Business Economics II
– Indonesian Economy
– Operation management
– Advanced Operations Management
– Business Research Methods

Master Programs:
– Economics for Business
– Operations Management
– E-business
– Competency-Based Human Resource Management
– Performance and Knowledge Management
– Strategic Human Resource Management
– Business Research Method

Graduate Supervision Statement

Thesis guidance for bachelor programs so far has been related to the field of Operations Management such as topics on quality control, service quality, inventory management, and layout strategies.

Thesis guidance for master programs so far has been related to the field of Human Resource Management such as topics on job satisfaction, organizational culture and commitment, leadership style and performance appraisal.


1997-2001       BA in Economics, Economics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University, Surabaya
2003-2005       Master of Science in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
2009-2017       Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta

Research Interest

My research so far has focused on operations management (such as manufacturing strategy implementation, technology adoption, and supply chain management in manufacturing companies in Indonesia) and strategic management (such as strategic alliances specifically between universities and industry, knowledge management in manufacturing companies in Indonesia). In the last three years, the focus of research has been on the application of knowledge management in MSME and the readiness of MSME to face digital-based transformation.


Anatan, L., 2018. The use of conjoint analysis in strategic decision making: An initial study. Kinerja: Journal of Business and Economics , 22 (1),

Anatan, L., Hamdani, J., Sherlywati, 2018. Stakeholder mapping of educational supply chain management (ESCM): Insight from private universities in Indonesia. The international journal of business and management, 6 (8), 61-72

Malinda, M., Anatan, L., Kristine, F., 2018. Analysis of strategic competency and organization performance: Evidence from private universities in Indonesia. The international journal of business and management, 6 (8), 23-28

Anatan, L., 2018. An institutional perspective of knowledge transfer within university and industry alliance. International journal of economics policy in emerging economy, 11 (4), 378-392. 45-68

Ellitan, L., Anatan, L., 2020. Achieving business continuity in industrial 4.0 and Society 5.0. International Journal of trend in scientific research and development, 4 (2), 235-239.

Tjandrasa, B.B., Anatan, L., Ardianto, N., 2020. Prediction and analysis of ecotourism visitors at Jendela Alam. Asian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 1 (2), 63-75.

Anatan, L., 2021. Interorganizational knowledge transfer practices toward MSMEs 4.0: AProposed conceptual framework. Review of Integrative Business and Economic Research, 10 (Supplementaryissue 3), 409-418.

Anatan, L., Nur, 2021. A review on MSMEs Resilience: Strategies and Policies Post Covid-19 Pandemic Review of Integrative Business and Economic Research, 10 (Supplementaryissue 3), 386-394


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

The teaching method is adjusted to the course (whether purely theoretical or there are mathematical calculation methods required) and the competency targets to be achieved in each course. The learning process for each meeting is carried out in two stages including explanations of theoretical and practical material by the lecturer for 60 minutes and discussion/practice questions given to students so that students are expected to not only understand theory but be able to apply it for decision making in reality.

Courses Coordinated

– Business Economics I
– Business Economics II
– Indonesian Economy
– Operation management
– Advanced Operations Management
– Business Research Methods

Master Programs:
– Economics for Business
– Operations Management
– E-business
– Competency-Based Human Resource Management
– Performance and Knowledge Management
– Strategic Human Resource Management
– Business Research Method

Graduate Supervision Statement

Thesis guidance for bachelor programs so far has been related to the field of Operations Management such as topics on quality control, service quality, inventory management, and layout strategies.

Thesis guidance for master programs so far has been related to the field of Human Resource Management such as topics on job satisfaction, organizational culture and commitment, leadership style and performance appraisal.

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