Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Imelda Junita, S.E., M.T.

Imelda Junita, S.E., M.T.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520021

Lecturer Profile

She has become a permanent lecturer in the Bachelor Program of Management Department since 2000 with a specialization in Marketing, especially Digital Marketing. Her research interests are related to marketing and digital marketing. Her research articles have been published in the Journal of Business and Management Inspiration (JIBM), Palarch's Journal of Archeology of Egypt, Journal of Management Science, Maranatha Management Journal, Journal of Research and Industrial Engineering Systems Applications

Imelda Junita, S.E., M.T.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 520021

Lecturer Profile

She has become a permanent lecturer in the Bachelor Program of Management Department since 2000 with a specialization in Marketing, especially Digital Marketing. Her research interests are related to marketing and digital marketing. Her research articles have been published in the Journal of Business and Management Inspiration (JIBM), Palarch's Journal of Archeology of Egypt, Journal of Management Science, Maranatha Management Journal, Journal of Research and Industrial Engineering Systems Applications


2000-2002     :            Magister Teknik (Master of Engineering) in Industrial Engineering at Institut Teknologi  Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
1995-1999     :            Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Economics) in Management at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.

Research Interest

Research and scientific publications that have been carried out cover the fields of leadership, management and education.


Junita, I. 2019. Transformational  Leadership in Digital Era: Analysis of Nadiem Makarim (Founder of GO-JEK Indonesia) Leadership Figure. Integrated Journal of Business and Economics, Vol.3 No.1.  (National Accreditation)

Siharis, A.K., Junita, I., Rahardjo, B. 2019.  Analisis Assembly Line Balancing Untuk Mengoptimalkan Produksi Pisau di Perusahaan T. Kardin Pisau Indonesia. Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Manajemen Vol. 3 No. 1. (National Accreditation)

Junita, I., F. Kristine, S. Limijaya., T.E.Widodo. 2020. A Study of Undergraduate Students’ Perception about Academic Advising in An Indonesian University. Huminiora, Vol.11 No.2. (National Accreditation)

Kristine, F., I. Junita, S. Sherlywati., E. Wisamtamma. 2021. Perbedaan Persepsi Bimbingan Akademik Mahasiswa pada Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, Vol.20 No. 2. (National Accreditation)

Margaretha, M.,  Sherlywati, Monalisa, Y., Mariana, A., Junita, I., Martalena, Iskandar, D., Nur. 2021. Cyberslacking Behavior and Its Relationship with Academic Performance: A Study of Students in Indonesia. European Journal of Educational Research Vol. 10 Issue 4 (SCOPUS International Accreditation).


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

The learning methods applied to each course are, of course, different, because they have different competency targets. There are courses that emphasize the case study method, some emphasize discussion and presentation, etc. However, in general, students are encouraged to play an active role in the learning process in the classroom, so that it is easier for students to achieve the target competency. Learning will also be supported by the LMS morning.maranatha.edu to make it more accessible.

Courses Coordinated

Interpersonal & Leadership Skills
Business Quantitative Analysis
Operation management
Project management

Graduate Supervision Statement

The thesis topic area being supervised is focused on the field of Operations Management using a case study approach. The topics studied can be in the form of work studies, plant layouts, production planning, quality control, and so on.


2000-2002     :            Magister Teknik (Master of Engineering) in Industrial Engineering at Institut Teknologi  Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
1995-1999     :            Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Economics) in Management at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.

Research Interest

Research and scientific publications that have been carried out cover the fields of leadership, management and education.


Junita, I. 2019. Transformational  Leadership in Digital Era: Analysis of Nadiem Makarim (Founder of GO-JEK Indonesia) Leadership Figure. Integrated Journal of Business and Economics, Vol.3 No.1.  (National Accreditation)

Siharis, A.K., Junita, I., Rahardjo, B. 2019.  Analisis Assembly Line Balancing Untuk Mengoptimalkan Produksi Pisau di Perusahaan T. Kardin Pisau Indonesia. Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Manajemen Vol. 3 No. 1. (National Accreditation)

Junita, I., F. Kristine, S. Limijaya., T.E.Widodo. 2020. A Study of Undergraduate Students’ Perception about Academic Advising in An Indonesian University. Huminiora, Vol.11 No.2. (National Accreditation)

Kristine, F., I. Junita, S. Sherlywati., E. Wisamtamma. 2021. Perbedaan Persepsi Bimbingan Akademik Mahasiswa pada Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, Vol.20 No. 2. (National Accreditation)

Margaretha, M.,  Sherlywati, Monalisa, Y., Mariana, A., Junita, I., Martalena, Iskandar, D., Nur. 2021. Cyberslacking Behavior and Its Relationship with Academic Performance: A Study of Students in Indonesia. European Journal of Educational Research Vol. 10 Issue 4 (SCOPUS International Accreditation).


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

The learning methods applied to each course are, of course, different, because they have different competency targets. There are courses that emphasize the case study method, some emphasize discussion and presentation, etc. However, in general, students are encouraged to play an active role in the learning process in the classroom, so that it is easier for students to achieve the target competency. Learning will also be supported by the LMS morning.maranatha.edu to make it more accessible.

Courses Coordinated

Interpersonal & Leadership Skills
Business Quantitative Analysis
Operation management
Project management

Graduate Supervision Statement

The thesis topic area being supervised is focused on the field of Operations Management using a case study approach. The topics studied can be in the form of work studies, plant layouts, production planning, quality control, and so on.

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