Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.

Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.

Dosen Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen

NIK/NIDN: 520022/0420107701

Lecturer Profile

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Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.

Dosen Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen

NIK/NIDN: 520022/0420107701

Lecturer Profile

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2012-2015           Ph. D in Business at Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan R.O.C
2000-2023           M.T (Magister of Techology) at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
1995-1999           S.E (bachelor degree) at Management Department, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia


Research Interest

My research efforts focus on all areas of management, especially when it tends toward service marketing and consumer behavior.


Malinda.M. 2018. Effectiveness of entrepreneurship and innovation learning methods. Case study at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia. International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies 4 (3), 122-128.

Malinda.M..2019. The study of the long memory in volatility of renewable energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs). International Journal of Information and Education Technology 9 (11), 810-814.

Malinda.M., CJ Hui. 2016. The study of the long memory in volatility of renewable energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs)Journal of Economics, Business and Management 4 (4), 252-257.

A Harianti, Malinda.M., N Nur, HL Suwarno, Y Margaretha, D Kambuno.2020.Peran Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi, Kompetensi Dan Menumbuhkan Minat Mahasiswa.Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 16 (3), 214-220.

J Chen, Malinda.M..2015. Room Occupancy Rates of Hotels in Bali: Testing for Long Memory and Multiple Structural Breaks. Journal of International and Global Economic Studies 8 (1), 51-67.

Malinda.M., JH Chen. 2021The forecasting of consumer exchange-traded funds (ETFs) via grey relational analysis (GRA) and artificial neural network (ANN).Empirical Economics, 1-45.

Malinda.M., M Tjandra, A Harianti, OV Olius.2020. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Students in Higher Education to Increase Financial Literacy (Case Study: Financial Planning Class in Maranatha Atlantis Press.

Malinda.M., A Harianti, M Tjandra, M Meryana.2020. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Small and Medium Enterprises to Increase Financial Literacy (Preliminary Study: A Small Business Enterprise in Bandung). Atlantis Press.

Malinda.M.. 2018.Perencanaan Keuangan. cv andi offset (Book)

Y Wijaya, Malinda.M..2021.Analisis Pengaruh Self Leadership dan Entrepreneurial Leadership terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan Startup Di Kota Bandung. Syntax Literate; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia 6 (8).

A Harianti, Malinda.M., M Tjandra, D Kambuno.2021. Descriptive Analysis of Financial Literacy SMEs in Bandung.

Malinda.M., Maya and Harianti, Asni and Tjandra, Miki and Meryana.2019. Analisis Pengujian Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan (Studi Pendahuluan dari Hasil Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan).Forum Manajemen Indonesia.

A Harianti, Malinda.M., M TJandra, OLV Olius. 2019. Studi Deskriptif: Analisis Literasi Keuangan UMKM di Kota Bandung. Forum Manajemen Indonesia.


* Indonesia
Spoken ability: Excellent
Written ability: Excellent

* English
Spoken ability: Average
Written ability: Average

* Mandarin
Spoken ability: Need Work
Written ability: Need Work

Teaching Statement

Teaching and educating is my passion and calling in life. Dedication in education takes a long time. Passion, commitment, and persistence are needed in carrying out the educational process. Teaching and educating methods are certainly “food” that must be enjoyed, so that future generations can be stronger, independent, creative and will have Christian Life Values of ​​ICE (Integrity, Care, Excellence)

Courses Coordinated

Statistics, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Development, Business Planning, Business Feasibility Studies, Financial Planning, Small and Medium Business Management, Risk Management.

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final thesis guidance in the field of entrepreneurship, financial planning and business development.


2012-2015           Ph. D in Business at Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan R.O.C
2000-2023           M.T (Magister of Techology) at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
1995-1999           S.E (bachelor degree) at Management Department, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia


Research Interest

My research efforts focus on all areas of management, especially when it tends toward service marketing and consumer behavior.


Malinda.M. 2018. Effectiveness of entrepreneurship and innovation learning methods. Case study at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia. International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies 4 (3), 122-128.

Malinda.M..2019. The study of the long memory in volatility of renewable energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs). International Journal of Information and Education Technology 9 (11), 810-814.

Malinda.M., CJ Hui. 2016. The study of the long memory in volatility of renewable energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs)Journal of Economics, Business and Management 4 (4), 252-257.

A Harianti, Malinda.M., N Nur, HL Suwarno, Y Margaretha, D Kambuno.2020.Peran Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi, Kompetensi Dan Menumbuhkan Minat Mahasiswa.Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 16 (3), 214-220.

J Chen, Malinda.M..2015. Room Occupancy Rates of Hotels in Bali: Testing for Long Memory and Multiple Structural Breaks. Journal of International and Global Economic Studies 8 (1), 51-67.

Malinda.M., JH Chen. 2021The forecasting of consumer exchange-traded funds (ETFs) via grey relational analysis (GRA) and artificial neural network (ANN).Empirical Economics, 1-45.

Malinda.M., M Tjandra, A Harianti, OV Olius.2020. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Students in Higher Education to Increase Financial Literacy (Case Study: Financial Planning Class in Maranatha Atlantis Press.

Malinda.M., A Harianti, M Tjandra, M Meryana.2020. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Small and Medium Enterprises to Increase Financial Literacy (Preliminary Study: A Small Business Enterprise in Bandung). Atlantis Press.

Malinda.M.. 2018.Perencanaan Keuangan. cv andi offset (Book)

Y Wijaya, Malinda.M..2021.Analisis Pengaruh Self Leadership dan Entrepreneurial Leadership terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan Startup Di Kota Bandung. Syntax Literate; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia 6 (8).

A Harianti, Malinda.M., M Tjandra, D Kambuno.2021. Descriptive Analysis of Financial Literacy SMEs in Bandung.

Malinda.M., Maya and Harianti, Asni and Tjandra, Miki and Meryana.2019. Analisis Pengujian Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan (Studi Pendahuluan dari Hasil Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan).Forum Manajemen Indonesia.

A Harianti, Malinda.M., M TJandra, OLV Olius. 2019. Studi Deskriptif: Analisis Literasi Keuangan UMKM di Kota Bandung. Forum Manajemen Indonesia.


* Indonesia
Spoken ability: Excellent
Written ability: Excellent

* English
Spoken ability: Average
Written ability: Average

* Mandarin
Spoken ability: Need Work
Written ability: Need Work

Teaching Statement

Teaching and educating is my passion and calling in life. Dedication in education takes a long time. Passion, commitment, and persistence are needed in carrying out the educational process. Teaching and educating methods are certainly “food” that must be enjoyed, so that future generations can be stronger, independent, creative and will have Christian Life Values of ​​ICE (Integrity, Care, Excellence)

Courses Coordinated

Statistics, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Development, Business Planning, Business Feasibility Studies, Financial Planning, Small and Medium Business Management, Risk Management.

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final thesis guidance in the field of entrepreneurship, financial planning and business development.

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