Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

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Rini Handayani, S.E., M.Ak., Ak.

Rini Handayani, S.E., M.Ak., Ak.

Bachelor Program in Accounting Lecturer

NIK/NIDN: 510750/0430089102

Lecturer Profile

Rini Handayani, S.E., M.Ak., Ak.

Bachelor Program in Accounting Lecturer

NIK/NIDN: 510750/0430089102

Lecturer Profile


2013-2016     Master of Accounting at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia
2013-2014     Accounting Profession Education Program at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia
2009-2013     Bachelor Degree of Economics Program at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia


Research Interest

My research efforts focus on all areas of accounting, in particular tending toward tax accounting and auditing. Examples include: Tax Avoidance & Corporate Risk: An Empirical Study in Manufacturing Company; Internal Factors Driving Tax Avoidance in Infrastructure, Utilities, and Transportation Sector Companies; The Influence of Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability on Dividend Policy With Firm Size as Moderating; Supporting Auditor Competence in the Digital Era 4.0. Through the Audit Learning System in Universities. My research focus is taxation and auditing


Sherlywati, S., Handayani, R., & Harianti, A. (2017). Analisis Perbandingan Kemampuan Kewirausahaan Pengusaha Perempuan dan Laki-Laki: Studi pada UMKM di Kota Bandung. Maranatha Management Journal.

Handayani, R. (2018). Pengaruh Return on Assets (ROA), Leverage dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Tax Avoidance Pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Listing di BEI Periode Tahun 2012-2015. Jurnal Akuntansi.

Carolina, V., Oktavianti., Handayani, R. (2019). Tax Avoidance & Corporate Risk: An Empirical Study in Manufacturing Company. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi

Handayani, R., Sari, E., Prayogo, E., & Elvina, E. (2021). Faktor Internal Pendorong Terjadinya Penghindaran Pajak Pada Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas, Dan Transportasi. JIAFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi)

Prayogo, E., Wijaya, I. N. A., Handayani, R., & Maretia, S. (2021). Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Pemoderasi. Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi)




  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching Statement

My teaching philosophy is to create a pleasant teaching and learning environment, to have a two-way discussions between students and lecturers, to share experiences related to accounting, and to connect real cases in the world of work and theory. Lecture is presented in PowerPoint form with attractive templates interspersed and videos. In some meetings, assignments are given in the form of simple cases individually or in groups so that students can discuss some material with each other.

Courses Coordinated

1. Introductory Accounting 1
2. Statistics 1 + Practicum
3. Statistics 2 + Practicum
4. Mathematical Business
5. Business Research Methodology / Research Methodology
6. Interpersonal and Leadership Skills
7. Internal Audit

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final project guidance in the field of tax accounting and auditing.


2013-2016     Master of Accounting at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia
2013-2014     Accounting Profession Education Program at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia
2009-2013     Bachelor Degree of Economics Program at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung-Indonesia


Research Interest

My research efforts focus on all areas of accounting, in particular tending toward tax accounting and auditing. Examples include: Tax Avoidance & Corporate Risk: An Empirical Study in Manufacturing Company; Internal Factors Driving Tax Avoidance in Infrastructure, Utilities, and Transportation Sector Companies; The Influence of Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability on Dividend Policy With Firm Size as Moderating; Supporting Auditor Competence in the Digital Era 4.0. Through the Audit Learning System in Universities. My research focus is taxation and auditing


Sherlywati, S., Handayani, R., & Harianti, A. (2017). Analisis Perbandingan Kemampuan Kewirausahaan Pengusaha Perempuan dan Laki-Laki: Studi pada UMKM di Kota Bandung. Maranatha Management Journal.

Handayani, R. (2018). Pengaruh Return on Assets (ROA), Leverage dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Tax Avoidance Pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Listing di BEI Periode Tahun 2012-2015. Jurnal Akuntansi.

Carolina, V., Oktavianti., Handayani, R. (2019). Tax Avoidance & Corporate Risk: An Empirical Study in Manufacturing Company. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi

Handayani, R., Sari, E., Prayogo, E., & Elvina, E. (2021). Faktor Internal Pendorong Terjadinya Penghindaran Pajak Pada Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas, Dan Transportasi. JIAFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi)

Prayogo, E., Wijaya, I. N. A., Handayani, R., & Maretia, S. (2021). Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Pemoderasi. Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi)




  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching Statement

My teaching philosophy is to create a pleasant teaching and learning environment, to have a two-way discussions between students and lecturers, to share experiences related to accounting, and to connect real cases in the world of work and theory. Lecture is presented in PowerPoint form with attractive templates interspersed and videos. In some meetings, assignments are given in the form of simple cases individually or in groups so that students can discuss some material with each other.

Courses Coordinated

1. Introductory Accounting 1
2. Statistics 1 + Practicum
3. Statistics 2 + Practicum
4. Mathematical Business
5. Business Research Methodology / Research Methodology
6. Interpersonal and Leadership Skills
7. Internal Audit

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final project guidance in the field of tax accounting and auditing.

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