Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Rully Arlan Tjahyadi, S.E., M.Si.

Rully Arlan Tjahyadi, S.E., M.Si.

Secretary of Bachelor Program in Management
Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 530047

Lecturer Profile

Rully Arlan Tjahyadi, S.E., M.Si.

Secretary of Bachelor Program in Management
Bachelor Program in Management Lecturer

NIK: 530047

Lecturer Profile


2004-2006       Master of Science at Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University.
1997-2001       Bachelor of Economic at Faculty of Economics, Maranatha Christian University

Research Interest

Research focus on all areas of Marketing Management, especially Service Marketing, Service Management, Brand, and Consumer Behavior.


Kuswoyo, C. and Tjahyadi, R.A. 2017. Dimensi-Dimensi Kualitas Layanan: Pengujian Model Kualitas Layanan dari Perspektif Eropa. Maranatha Management Journal, Vol. 17 (1): pp.71-80.

Tjahyadi, R.A., Lu, C., and Fionita, J. 2018. HIEDQUAL (High Education Quality) dan Kepuasan Mahasiswa: Peran Reputasi Universitas sebagai Variabel Mediasi. Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis Indonesia, Vol. 5 (3): pp. 315-326.

Deo, M. and Tjahyadi, R.A. 2019. Pengaruh Interaksi Konsumen di Media Sosial terhadap Minat Bel Konsumen. Proceedings Maranatha Economic and Business Competition.

Tjahyadi, R. A., Maharsi, A. R., Kuswoyo, C, Magdalena, N., Kristiawan, A., Aprillia, A., Lu, C., Imasari, K., Aribowo, A., Kurniawati, K., Abednego, F., Gunawan, I., Nurbasari, A., Harianti, A., Malinda, M., Nur, Suwarno, H. L., Margaretha, Y., Vinsensius, Fedora, J. A., and Alanarima, A. E. 2019. Optimalisasi Program Pemasaran bagi Pelaku Usaha Agrowisata Stroberi. Jurnal Patria, Vol. 1 (2): pp.107-124.

Suwarno, H. L., Margaretha, Y., Harianti, A., Nur, Malinda, M., Kuswoyo, C, Tjahyadi, R. A., Kristiawan, A., Olius, O. V., & Meryana. 2020. Optimalisasi Potensi Kewirausahaan dan Pemasaran Produk Unggulan Desa Tamiyang. Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, Vo. 3 (2): pp.369-377.

Magdalena, N., Aprillia, A., Ida, Munthe, R. G., Setiawan, R., Tjahyadi, R. A., and Kristiawan, A. 2020. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus: Analisis Switching Behavior melalui Model Service Quality (Pilot Project Pendampingan Tempat Kos X). Proceedings SENDIMAS, Vol. 5 (1): pp. 414-417. Njotoprajitno, R. S., Tjahjadi, R. A., Nur, Hadianto, B., and Sunjaya, A. 2020. The Effect of Motivation, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on Lecturer Performance. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, Vol. 6 (4): pp.42-54.

Tjahyadi, R. A., 2020. Pengujian Manfaat Relasional dan Kualitas Hubungan sebagai Anteseden Loyalitas Pelanggan. Maranatha Management Journal, Vol. 19 (2): pp.169-178.

Tjahyadi, R. A., Kuswoyo, C., Lu, C., and Irianto, W. Pengaruh Edukasi Pelanggan pada Loyalitas Pelanggan melalui Kualitas Jasa. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Vol. 9 (1): pp.346-354.


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching Statement

Creating a comfortable and fun learning atmosphere. Students are required to actively participate in the learning process. The material is presented in the form of power points and interesting learning videos. Assignments for students are case-based and project-based.

Courses Coordinated

1. Management and Business
2. Marketing Management
3. Brand Management
4. Consumer Behavior
5. Market Research
6. Service Management
7. Major Seminar
8. Organizational Behavior
9. Strategic Management

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final project guidance in the field of marketing, particularly Service Marketing, Service Management, Brand Management, and Consumer Behavior.


2004-2006       Master of Science at Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University.
1997-2001       Bachelor of Economic at Faculty of Economics, Maranatha Christian University

Research Interest

Research focus on all areas of Marketing Management, especially Service Marketing, Service Management, Brand, and Consumer Behavior.


Kuswoyo, C. and Tjahyadi, R.A. 2017. Dimensi-Dimensi Kualitas Layanan: Pengujian Model Kualitas Layanan dari Perspektif Eropa. Maranatha Management Journal, Vol. 17 (1): pp.71-80.

Tjahyadi, R.A., Lu, C., and Fionita, J. 2018. HIEDQUAL (High Education Quality) dan Kepuasan Mahasiswa: Peran Reputasi Universitas sebagai Variabel Mediasi. Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis Indonesia, Vol. 5 (3): pp. 315-326.

Deo, M. and Tjahyadi, R.A. 2019. Pengaruh Interaksi Konsumen di Media Sosial terhadap Minat Bel Konsumen. Proceedings Maranatha Economic and Business Competition.

Tjahyadi, R. A., Maharsi, A. R., Kuswoyo, C, Magdalena, N., Kristiawan, A., Aprillia, A., Lu, C., Imasari, K., Aribowo, A., Kurniawati, K., Abednego, F., Gunawan, I., Nurbasari, A., Harianti, A., Malinda, M., Nur, Suwarno, H. L., Margaretha, Y., Vinsensius, Fedora, J. A., and Alanarima, A. E. 2019. Optimalisasi Program Pemasaran bagi Pelaku Usaha Agrowisata Stroberi. Jurnal Patria, Vol. 1 (2): pp.107-124.

Suwarno, H. L., Margaretha, Y., Harianti, A., Nur, Malinda, M., Kuswoyo, C, Tjahyadi, R. A., Kristiawan, A., Olius, O. V., & Meryana. 2020. Optimalisasi Potensi Kewirausahaan dan Pemasaran Produk Unggulan Desa Tamiyang. Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, Vo. 3 (2): pp.369-377.

Magdalena, N., Aprillia, A., Ida, Munthe, R. G., Setiawan, R., Tjahyadi, R. A., and Kristiawan, A. 2020. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus: Analisis Switching Behavior melalui Model Service Quality (Pilot Project Pendampingan Tempat Kos X). Proceedings SENDIMAS, Vol. 5 (1): pp. 414-417. Njotoprajitno, R. S., Tjahjadi, R. A., Nur, Hadianto, B., and Sunjaya, A. 2020. The Effect of Motivation, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on Lecturer Performance. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, Vol. 6 (4): pp.42-54.

Tjahyadi, R. A., 2020. Pengujian Manfaat Relasional dan Kualitas Hubungan sebagai Anteseden Loyalitas Pelanggan. Maranatha Management Journal, Vol. 19 (2): pp.169-178.

Tjahyadi, R. A., Kuswoyo, C., Lu, C., and Irianto, W. Pengaruh Edukasi Pelanggan pada Loyalitas Pelanggan melalui Kualitas Jasa. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Vol. 9 (1): pp.346-354.


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching Statement

Creating a comfortable and fun learning atmosphere. Students are required to actively participate in the learning process. The material is presented in the form of power points and interesting learning videos. Assignments for students are case-based and project-based.

Courses Coordinated

1. Management and Business
2. Marketing Management
3. Brand Management
4. Consumer Behavior
5. Market Research
6. Service Management
7. Major Seminar
8. Organizational Behavior
9. Strategic Management

Graduate Supervision Statement

I provide final project guidance in the field of marketing, particularly Service Marketing, Service Management, Brand Management, and Consumer Behavior.

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