Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Yuliana Gunawan, S.E., M.Si.

Yuliana Gunawan, S.E., M.Si.

Bachelor Program in Accounting Lecturer

NIK/NIDN: 510441/0418078001

Lecturer Profile

Yuliana Gunawan, S.E., M.Si.

Bachelor Program in Accounting Lecturer

NIK/NIDN: 510441/0418078001

Lecturer Profile


2004-2007     Magister of Sains (M.Si.) in Accounting Science at Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia.

1999-2003     Bachelor Degree of Accounting (S.E.) in Accounting Program at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.

Research Interest

My research focuses on financial accounting and taxation which includes financial ratios, company performance, individual and corporate taxation.


Natalia,M., Gunawan,Y., & Carolina,V.(2016). Pengaruh Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Pasar dengan Moderasi Efektivitas Dewan Komisaris dan Independensi Dewan Komisaris. Jurnal Akuntansi, Vol 8 No.1 Mei 2016; page.45-64.

Agustina,L., Gunawan, Y., & Chandra,W.(2018). The Impact of Tax Amnesty Announcement towards Share Performance and Market Reaction in Indonesia. Accounting and Financial Research Sciedu Press, Vol 7, no.2, May 2018, pg36-47.

Gunawan,Y.,Agustina,L.,& Goiyardi,E. (2019). Different Influence Analysis of Sunset Policy and Tax Amnesty to the Retailer/Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Individual Taxpayer Compliance. Economics and Accounting Journal (EAJ),Vol.2, no.2, May 2019.p133-140.

Subarnas,D.,& Gunawan,Y.(2019). Effect Of Good Corporate Governance On Profitability. JOURNAL OF AUDITING, FINANCE, AND FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (JAFFA),Vol. 7, No. 2,pg 90-96.

Natalia,M., Christy,Y.,& Gunawan,Y.(2019). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Media Attention, Woman on Board, and Firm Value. Jurnal Aset; Vol.11, No.2,pg. 189-198.

SeTin,S.,Gunawan,Y.,& Pranata,I.(2020). Persepsi Keadilan dan Perilaku Permainan Anggaran pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi, vol.4,No.1.pg.28-39.

Gunawan,Y.,Christy,Y.,SeTin.,S.,& Jonathan,L.(2021). The Influence Of Independent Board Of Commissioners, Audit Committee, And Audit Quality On Tax Avoidance. BALANCE: Economic, Business, Management, and Accounting Journal. Vol. XVIII No. 1.Page.42-49.

Lestari Dewi,N.,Gunawan,Y.,Mangunsong,S.,& Meiliana,Y.(2021). Pengaruh sistem pengendalian internal dan budaya organisasi terhadap kualitas pelayanan publik berkelanjutan. Maranatha Management Journal. Volume 20, Nomor 2, Mei 2021, pp 99-106.


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

My philosophy is to teach in a pleasant classroom atmosphere. Two-way interaction with the flipped class method also requires students to have studied the material to be discussed in advance; hence, there will be more in-depth lectures because everyone has understood the material.

Courses Coordinated

Intermediate Financial Accounting 1

Intermediate Financial Accounting 2

Intermediate Financial Accounting 3

Business Math

Financial Management

Accounting for Business

Graduate Supervision Statement

The final project guidance that I gave towards taxation and financial accounting


2004-2007     Magister of Sains (M.Si.) in Accounting Science at Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia.

1999-2003     Bachelor Degree of Accounting (S.E.) in Accounting Program at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia.

Research Interest

My research focuses on financial accounting and taxation which includes financial ratios, company performance, individual and corporate taxation.


Natalia,M., Gunawan,Y., & Carolina,V.(2016). Pengaruh Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Pasar dengan Moderasi Efektivitas Dewan Komisaris dan Independensi Dewan Komisaris. Jurnal Akuntansi, Vol 8 No.1 Mei 2016; page.45-64.

Agustina,L., Gunawan, Y., & Chandra,W.(2018). The Impact of Tax Amnesty Announcement towards Share Performance and Market Reaction in Indonesia. Accounting and Financial Research Sciedu Press, Vol 7, no.2, May 2018, pg36-47.

Gunawan,Y.,Agustina,L.,& Goiyardi,E. (2019). Different Influence Analysis of Sunset Policy and Tax Amnesty to the Retailer/Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Individual Taxpayer Compliance. Economics and Accounting Journal (EAJ),Vol.2, no.2, May 2019.p133-140.

Subarnas,D.,& Gunawan,Y.(2019). Effect Of Good Corporate Governance On Profitability. JOURNAL OF AUDITING, FINANCE, AND FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (JAFFA),Vol. 7, No. 2,pg 90-96.

Natalia,M., Christy,Y.,& Gunawan,Y.(2019). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Media Attention, Woman on Board, and Firm Value. Jurnal Aset; Vol.11, No.2,pg. 189-198.

SeTin,S.,Gunawan,Y.,& Pranata,I.(2020). Persepsi Keadilan dan Perilaku Permainan Anggaran pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi, vol.4,No.1.pg.28-39.

Gunawan,Y.,Christy,Y.,SeTin.,S.,& Jonathan,L.(2021). The Influence Of Independent Board Of Commissioners, Audit Committee, And Audit Quality On Tax Avoidance. BALANCE: Economic, Business, Management, and Accounting Journal. Vol. XVIII No. 1.Page.42-49.

Lestari Dewi,N.,Gunawan,Y.,Mangunsong,S.,& Meiliana,Y.(2021). Pengaruh sistem pengendalian internal dan budaya organisasi terhadap kualitas pelayanan publik berkelanjutan. Maranatha Management Journal. Volume 20, Nomor 2, Mei 2021, pp 99-106.


  • Indonesia
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • English
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching Statement

My philosophy is to teach in a pleasant classroom atmosphere. Two-way interaction with the flipped class method also requires students to have studied the material to be discussed in advance; hence, there will be more in-depth lectures because everyone has understood the material.

Courses Coordinated

Intermediate Financial Accounting 1

Intermediate Financial Accounting 2

Intermediate Financial Accounting 3

Business Math

Financial Management

Accounting for Business

Graduate Supervision Statement

The final project guidance that I gave towards taxation and financial accounting

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