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Faculty of Business Award 2023 2nd Period, 2022/2023

uploaded: 5 June 2023
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Bandung, May 25th, 2023 - Faculty of Business Award 2023, Period II of the academic year 2022/2023 at Maranatha Christian University.

The Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University once again successfully held its annual and vibrant event, the "Faculty of Business Award 2023". The event began with the playing of the Indonesian national anthem and the Faculty of Business anthem, followed by a delightful welcome by the MC, featuring games and attractive prizes for the participants. The event was attended by Mr. Tan Ming Kuang, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Business, who delivered an inspiring speech to motivate all the attendees of the Faculty of Business Award 2023. Additionally, the event was graced by several structural officials from the Faculty of Business, the academic community of Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Business, and was live-streamed on the Faculty of Business Maranatha's YouTube channel.

During the event, there was a special performance by Ryan and Friends, students from the Faculty of Business, who entertained the audience with their dazzling performance. In line with the event's theme, they delivered an inspiring and motivating performance to encourage students to achieve success in the real world.

The event also featured an inspirational session and sharing of experiences from Maranatha alumni, Mr. Rezza F. Prisandy, S.E., M.H., M.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate, and Mr. Clift D. Pasadena, S.E. These alumni shared their experiences during their studies and how those experiences helped them in their real-life endeavors. They provided tips and tricks to the students on how to achieve success through smart work, appreciating the process, and incorporating faith in every step taken. As part of the event, there was also a Q&A session with attractive prizes for participants who asked questions, both online and in-person. Additionally, exciting door prizes were offered to the participants.

The event also provided an opportunity for some attendees to share their impressions and messages. They expressed their pride in being part of Maranatha Christian University and thanked the chance to meet influential friends and professors who played a significant role in their personal development. One of the alumni from the Master of Management program also revealed that their studies at Maranatha were filled with challenges and excitement that helped them face the professional world.

Throughout the event, student thesis defense videos were shown, showcasing the achievements and successes of students in completing their final projects. Then, the highly anticipated moment arrived, the presentation of awards to the top graduates. Awards were given to the top graduates from the Accounting Study Program, Management Study Program, Master of Accountancy, and Master of Management, and the graduate with the highest portfolio score this year. One of the awards presented was the Best of The Best, which was achieved by Aura Regina Crystalin from the Accounting Study Program with a GPA of 3.82, Laurensia Vina Dharmawan from the Management Study Program with a GPA of 3.99, Nancy Riana Siregar from the Master of Management with a GPA of 4, Vincent Tanu Winata from the Master of Accountancy with a GPA of 4, Best Accounting Portfolio by Aura Regina Crystalin with a portfolio score of 1684, and Best Management Portfolio by Adiska Shabrina Sanfa with a portfolio score of 2524.

There was also an emotional moment when the participants presented flowers to their beloved companions who had supported and guided them throughout their studies. This was followed by the screening of family videos of the Best of The Best awardees, accompanied by a performance by Ryan and Friends, and the presentation of flowers. The event also included a door prize session and a group photo session with the top graduates, structural officials from the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, and all event participants.

The event concluded with closing remarks and a prayer by Ms. Imelda Junita, S.E., M.T., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, who expressed heartfelt gratitude for the successful organization of the event.

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