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Faculty of Business Holds Webinar on Waste Management to Improve Environmental Sustainability

uploaded: 23 November 2021
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The Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University held a webinar webinar in the context of community service (PKM) with the theme of “Management of Household Waste with Fermentation and Composting Techniques” on November 13, 2021. This activity took place in a hybrid manner, both online and onsite, thanks to the collaboration carried out together with Bandung’s DPRD, Indonesian Micro and Small Entrepreneurs (Hipmikindo), and the Indonesian-Chinese Friendship Association, Chinese Indonesian Women (PPIT-PINTI).

This activity was held at the Student Center, Grha Widya Maranatha 1st floor, and was attended by 130 participants online via Zoom. The event began with the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MoA) signed by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Innovation, and Partnerships, Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T. and a lecturer at the Bentara Persada Batam College of Economics (STIE), Pilifus Junianto, S.S., M.M.

In his remarks, the General Secretary of Maranatha, Robby Yussac Tallar, S.T., M.T., Dipl.IWRM., Ph.D. said, “The purpose of this activity is very noble, apart from education, it is hoped that in the future we can become individuals who are responsible for managing waste”. Secretary of Commission A DPRD Bandung, Erick Damadjaya, B.Sc., M.K.P. who was also present said, “In addition to spatial management and reforestation, waste management also needs special attention. Management of organic waste through fermentation is the best alternative because it does not cause pollution,” he added.

The lecture was presented by Pilifus Junianto, with the title of “Waste Management: Household-Scale Waste Management”. In the first session, Pilifus conducted a socialization on how to manage household waste using biogas techniques. Until now, the demand or consumption of oil is higher than the supply or production of oil so that alternative renewable energy is needed which can be obtained through the development of biogas technology. In his socialization, he also explained how the process of developing biogas technology was.

In the second session, Pilifus showed how to treat household waste. He did it in an easier way, namely with eco-enzyme fermentation and composting. The required composition of the fermentation mixture consists of organic waste, brown sugar, and water, with a ratio of 3:1:10. Meanwhile, for composting, the materials needed are pots, soil, and organic waste. Then Pilifus explained how to mix the ingredients with the help of a lecturer, Dr. Dra. Ratna Widiastuti, M.T., who was the moderator and was attended by several committee members.

Lecturer of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Benny B. Tjandrasa, S.E., M.M., as the Chief Executive said, “The purpose of this PKM is to support environmental conservation, in particular to support the efforts of Bandung to become a beautiful city of education and tourism”. Business and environment have become interrelated components. “We know what is called the 3Ps, planetpeople, and profit. Profit is the goal of business, but we also cannot rule out and must prioritize the planet or earth and people or society,” added Benny. If participants need assistance, it will be done online and if possible it will be done offline.

Benny said, this PKM had a positive impact because it conveyed knowledge to the community nationally, and also in conjunction with the establishment of cooperation with STIE Bentara Persada Batam. He hoped that in the future Maranatha can carry out activities in collaboration with other parties and expand cooperation with STIE Bentara Persada Batam. (so/gn)


Photo: doc. Media and Communications Division

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