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Kegiatan KKN Tematik di Desa Cipanjalu Kabupaten Bandung “Membantu UMKM dan Menghasilkan Inovasi”

uploaded: 24 June 2023
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Bandung, June 7, 2023– Closing of the Independent Thematic Community Service Program in Cipanjalu Village, Bandung Regency.

Since February 2023, the village of Cipanjalu in Bandung Regency has witnessed the implementation of a Thematic Community Service Program (TCSP). This activity is part of the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" program initiated by the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Maranatha Christian University. In this Thematic CSP, active students are involved in assisting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the village of Cipanjalu by providing guidance and training to address various challenges they face.

For approximately one semester, the students involved in this Thematic CSP regularly visit their partner MSMEs every week. They provide guidance and training on various relevant topics, including family resilience, personal financial planning, eco-print techniques as environmentally friendly fabric motifs, entrepreneurship education, good character with good impact, tips and tricks for product packaging, business law, and creative batik training using waste from tamarind as material for clothing production.

Before going to the field, the students receive guidance from professors from various disciplines, according to the training topics to be provided to the MSME partners in the village of Cipanjalu. This is done to ensure that the students have adequate knowledge before providing guidance and training to the MSME partners.

On May 31, 2023, the Independent Thematic CSP 2023 reached its peak with the presentation of observations conducted by each student on their MSME partners. Each student is allowed to deeply observe the challenges and business operations of their partners. In the presentation, the students convey their observations and provide creative suggestions to address the challenges faced by the MSME partners. This freedom is granted by the LPPM of Maranatha Christian University with the hope that every challenge faced by the partners can be overcome according to expectations, and creative ideas can develop the existing businesses of the partners.

Throughout the Independent Thematic CSP, each student is accompanied by a designated supervising professor from the beginning of the program. The supervising professor serves as a mentor and evaluator during the Thematic CSP. The results of the students' observations show diverse creativity. Some of them have successfully transformed their partners' products to be more appealing than before.

On June 7, 2023, all MSME partners, mediators, and facilitators from Cipanjalu Village visited the Maranatha Christian University campus to attend the official closing ceremony of the Thematic CSP. The event began with a speech from the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research, Dr. Se Tin, S.E., M.Si., Ak., followed by a speech from the Chairperson of the Research and Community Service Institute of Maranatha Christian University, Dr. Meythi, S.E., M.Si, Ak., CA. Finally, a speech was delivered by Dr. Dra. Rosida Tiurma Manurung, M.Hum, as the chairperson of the Independent Thematic CSP 2023. "The Minister of Education, Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A., mentioned that learning is not solely based on numbers. The Merdeka Belajar policy provides freedom for each educational unit to innovate using existing theories and concepts and implement them practically through activities," explained the coordinator of the Independent Thematic Community Service Program 2023.

The event concluded with the ceremonial cutting of the "turmeric cone-shaped rice” by Dr. Se Tin, S.E., M.Si., Ak., which was then handed over to Ibu Ningrum, the mediator of Cipanjalu Village, followed by a group photo session as a symbol of the conclusion of the Independent Thematic CSP 2023 activity.

The Thematic CSP activity in Cipanjalu Village, Bandung Regency, not only assisted SMEs but also successfully generated innovations and creative ideas that aided in the development of the partner businesses. Through this program, the students of Universitas Kristen Maranatha have demonstrated their dedication and commitment to making tangible contributions to the community.

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