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Public Lecture: "The Japanese Business Model: A Holistic Perspective on Corporate Finance, Management, and Ethics"

uploaded: 27 March 2023
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Bandung, March 21st, 2023 – The Public Lecture "The Japanese Business Model: A Holistic Perspective in Corporate Finance, Management, and Ethics" will be held at the GAP building, 8th floor of Maranatha Christian University.

The business model is the key to success in running a business or a company. Focusing on financial management and financial ethics becomes an important factor in good corporate management. Therefore, the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University is holding a public lecture with the theme "The Japanese Business Model: A Holistic Perspective on Corporate Finance, Management, and Ethics".

In this public lecture, three speakers from Hokusei Gakuen University, a partner of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, will be present. They are Professor Kota Hagiwara (Mr), Associate Professor Yawen Huang (Ms), and Associate Professor Hocheol Nam (Mr). These three speakers will discuss different topics that are interrelated. With this topic, it is expected that participants in the public lecture will gain a broader understanding of financial management and ethics in corporate finance.

Professor Kota Hagiwara will discuss "Collusion and Fraud between Government and Companies (Focusing on bid-rigging and bribery related to the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee)". This topic will cover collusion and fraud between the government and companies, especially related to price bidding and bribery related to the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee.

Associate Professor Yawen Huang will discuss "Japanese Management". This topic will cover company management and work culture in Japan, including the trust instilled in employees and management practices.

Associate Professor Hocheol Nam will discuss "Corporate Finance of Japanese companies". This topic will cover the financial management of Japanese companies, including how to make financial decisions related to corporate finance.

The public lecture, led by Dr. Peter, S.E., M.T., will be held on March 21st, 2023, from 09:30 to 12:00 at the Theater Room, GAP Building, 8th Floor, with a target of 300 onsite and online participants including lecturers and students. This event will also be attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Ms. Imelda Junita S.E., M.T., and the Vice Dean for Finance and Development, Ms. Felicia Abednego, S.E., M.M., as well as the Head of the Management and Accounting Study Programs and their staff both from undergraduate and graduate programs. Furthermore, this event will be moderated by Dr. Tan Kwang En, S.E., M.Si. Ak. and guided by MC Rd. Arvy (Alumni S1 Manajemen).

This public lecture is expected to provide a broader insight and understanding related to financial management and ethics in corporate finance. It is hoped that participants will benefit from the presentations given by the speakers and apply them in managing their company's finances in the future.

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