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Christmas at Faculty of Business 2021: Stepping Forward in God

uploaded: 18 December 2021
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The Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University held a Christmas Celebration Worship with the theme of “Step Forward” on Saturday, December 11, 2021. This event took place at the Prof. Auditorium. Dr. P.A. Surjadi, M.A. Building B and was attended by lecturers, students, and alumni of the Faculty of Business virtually via Zoom and the YouTube channel of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University.

Linda Gunawan, S.E., M.B.A in the reflection session said that we needed to move forward with fear. Trembling or fear in this context meant to fear God. According to her, there were two kinds of fear of God, namely fear of God because of punishment and fear of love. Linda explained, we’re afraid because of punishment based on sin committed and lack of true knowledge of God. Whereas those who fear out of love know that their sins had been forgiven and had an understanding of God.

“Maybe we count God's blessings materially, but we should count those blessings differently. One of them is to have fear of Him. Let's start counting blessings in fear on the basis of loving God and making Him more important than existing material blessings,” said Linda.

Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University, Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU in his speech said that the spirit of Christmas was the spirit to give and forgive. The spirit of Christmas ought not only be at the end of the year, but at every moment of our lives. “With the increasing number of students in these difficult times, God is proving His faithfulness to us. This teaches us to always depend on God Almighty," said Prof. Sri.

In accordance with the theme, the Dean of the faculty, Tan Ming Kuang, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., invited all believers not to be afraid to move forward because they had lived in the light. In addition, he said, this year's Christmas was the first Christmas since FB officially changed its name, so this celebration was and is a historic moment for all. “Not only that, the first Christmas for the Faculty of Business can give us enthusiasm and resurrection from last year, and now we need to move forward so that we can take off,” said Tan Ming Kuang.

Deputy Chairperson of the event, Tan Kwang En, S.E., M.Sc. also confirmed the same thing. According to him, through this Christmas theme we must still have hope in Jesus Christ in the midst of ever-changing situations. “Let this Christmas prepare us to step forward in God's love and be able to continue to do good to others. Let's reflect on how much God loves us and that we have hope to keep moving forward,” said Tan Kwang En. (sg/gn)


Photo: doc. Faculty of Business

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