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Community Service: Education on Business Professions Introduction for Students at SDK Baptist Christian Elementary School in Bandung

uploaded: 27 March 2023
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Bandung, 13-14 Maret 2023 – Community Service "Business Profession Introduction Education for Baptist Christian Elementary School Students in Bandung" at the Baptist Christian School in Bandung.

Community Service activity with the topic "Introduction to Business Professions Education for Students of SDK Kristen Baptist Bandung" was conducted by lecturers from the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University. This activity aims to help elementary school students in choosing their career goals and provide an overview of business professions that can be pursued in the future, especially in the field of accounting, management, entrepreneurship, and tax/business consulting, to broaden their knowledge and help them achieve their goals.

Elementary school students need guidance on their career aspirations from an early age so that they can choose the right path in the future. By knowing what they want, children can understand how to achieve their goals. Aspirations can also give high motivation for learning children so that they can strive to make them come true.

Usually, elementary school children have aspirations such as becoming a teacher, doctor, police officer, and others that they have seen in their daily lives. However, when they enter middle school, most children will change their aspirations because of social interaction and the surrounding culture.

This activity discussed the importance of instilling the concept of dreams and aspirations in children from an early age, especially when they enter school. Children need to know what they want to understand and how to achieve their goals. Introduction to aspirations can be done in various ways, such as by introducing various professions to children. Teachers and parents play an important role in shaping the future of children to become successful individuals.

This educational activity was led by Mrs. Sri Zaniarti, S.E., M.M., CFP, and was conducted for two days (March 13-14, 2023) involving speakers from the Management Study Program, namely Dr. Yolla Margaretha, S.E., M.M., and from the Accounting Study Program, namely Mrs. Maria Natalia, S.E., M.S., Ak. The event also invited speakers from the Faculty of Business alumni to show the Baptist Elementary School students how graduates in management and accounting fields can also succeed in other professions. The alumni who took the time from their busy schedules to share their knowledge and experiences in this event were Raden Shafira Destiana, S.M., a project manager at Bahasabisnis. id, a public speaker and trainer, content creator at Lemon8 Indonesia, and also a co-founder of Dapur Tina. There was also Edhy Surbakty, S.E., MBA., Ak., CPA, who is actively involved in developing small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia, founder of Bahasabisnis.id, co-founder of Pesonadesa.id, and also as a financial consultant for companies and individuals. This training was held at the Baptist School in Bandung and attended by students from 1st grade to 6th grade, as well as several lecturers and a team of business students from Maranatha Christian University, and also supported by teachers representing SDK Baptist Bandung.

Through this educational activity, it is hoped that children can open their minds to various professions in the business field. This can help them in choosing the right career path in the future. The results of this activity are expected to be published in journals so that they can become information and education for the community.

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