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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Business World

uploaded: 18 September 2023
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Bandung, September 18, 2023 - The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is making it increasingly accessible and usable by businesses to streamline various activities, including consumer services.

As reported by aws.amazon.com, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a branch of computer science that plays a role in solving problems typically associated with human cognition. AI gains knowledge from experience, much like how it has been used by humans in the past. AI is programmed to think and mimic human behavior. As time progresses, AI is expected to play an even greater role in various sectors of life, including the business world. This technology has become one of the most promising applications in the business world.


According to Mekari, a company specializing in research, Indonesia has the potential to adopt AI in business by up to 62 percent, according to their latest research titled "Artificial Intelligence Adoption Readiness of Businesses in Indonesia," which consists of three levels to measure a company's readiness to adopt AI.


The first level is productivity, where companies have at least one digital solution to enhance productivity. The second level is efficiency, where companies integrate various digital solutions to create overall business efficiency. The last level is automation, where companies create a technological ecosystem by combining corporate culture and technology infrastructure to ensure optimal utilization of technology in the business world.


Artificial intelligence has a positive impact on the industrial world. Its use is faster, more efficient, accurate, consistent, easily manageable, capable of processing large amounts of data, and can provide services tailored to customer preferences.

However, artificial intelligence does not always have a positive impact on the business and industrial sectors; there are always negative aspects to consider. A simple example is that some human roles have been replaced by AI, leading to a reduction in employees overseeing transaction activities, product production, and analysis (Chellilah, 2017; in "Business Process Issues Based on Artificial Intelligence for Embracing the Industry 4.0 Era," 2020).



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Siregar, H., dkk. (2020). Isu Proses Bisnis Berbasis Artificial Intelligence untuk Menyongsong Era Industri 4.0. Jurnal Bisnis Strategi, 29(2), 89-100.











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