Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence


What Do They Say?

FH UKM senantiasa memberikan fasilitas yang terbaik, dosen pengajar yang professional, dan kegiatan yang menunjang proses belajar.

Pada tahun 2012 secara resmi saya bergabung  menjadi mahasiswi FH UKM yang berkonsentrasi pada hukum bisnis dan investasi. Saya merasa senang dan sangat bersyukur karena telah memilih FH UKM untuk mewujudkan cita-cita saya. FH UKM senantiasa memberikan fasilitas yang terbaik, dosen pengajar yang professional, dan kegiatan yang menunjang proses belajar. Selama proses belajar di FH UKM, seluruh mahasiswa dituntut untuk aktif dan kreatif. Saat ini saya telah menyelesaikan pendidikan tinggi saya di FH UKM dan berhasil mewujudkan cita-cita saya dengan bergabung menjadi salah satu associate (advocate) di Johan Lee Chandra & Associate Law Firm yang berkantor di Menara BCA, 43rd Floor, Suite 4301, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Pusat 10310. Akhir kata, “Saya bangga menjadi anak FH UKM !!”.

Ni Made Ayu Geana Sari Dewi S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012
Testimoni-Ni Made Ayu

Sebagai alumni Fakultas Hukum Maranatha saya merasa mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman yang bermanfaat.

Sebagai alumni Fakultas Hukum Maranatha saya merasa mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman yang bermanfaat. Ilmu dan pengalaman tersebut telah membentuk saya menjadi pribadi yang tangguh dan selalu diajak berpikir taktis. Banyak ilmu yang dapat saya terapkan dalam pekerjaan saya.

Laila Suroya, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum Maranatha telah menyediakan bekal utama bagi para lulusannya supaya berhasil dalam dunia kerja.

Fakultas Hukum Maranatha telah menyediakan bekal utama bagi para lulusannya supaya berhasil dalam dunia kerja. Bekal utama tersebut adalah ilmu pengetahuan, pengalaman berorganisasi, soft skill, self improvement, hati nurani, moral, serta kepedulian sosial terhadap sesama. Dengan mengaplikasikan bekal-bekal tersebut, saya mampu bersaing dan beradaptasi ketika terjun ke dunia kerja.

Claudia Ester, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum sudah memberikan saya begitu banyak kesempatan untuk berkembang.

Fakultas Hukum sudah memberikan saya begitu banyak kesempatan untuk berkembang. Selama menempuh pendidikan, saya mendapatkan banyak sekali pengalaman berharga. Fakultas Hukum mempunya tenaga pendidik yang berkualitas dalam mendidik saya.

Demson Tiopan, S.H., M.H.
Alumnus Angkatan 2009
Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha

I am proud to be one of the alumni of the Master Program in Management at Maranatha Christian University.

The knowledge that I received was comprehensive. The lectures were also supported by complete facilities, with very competent teaching staff. I am proud to be one of the alumni of the Master Program in Management at Maranatha Christian University.

Guntur Pradipto Aji Raharjo, S.E., Ak., M.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2015
Budget and Tax Planning Implementer Perumda Drinking Water Tirta Raharja - Bandung Regency

For me the Master Program in Accounting at Maranatha Christian university was the right place. It was amazing in terms of teaching and providing updated knowledge and experience in the practical work field.

I studied here, because for me this was the right place. It was amazing in terms of teaching and providing updated knowledge and experience in the practical work field. Lecturers were creative and they always encouraged students to develop the knowledge. The curriculum was focused on responding to professional needs.

With these many facilities, the program is very affordable in terms of educational costs. Therefore, it is not a loss to study here. I believe this program is able to produce graduates who are not only reliable in terms of academics, but also non-academics, and also both as teachers and practitioners.

Sulistyoningsih, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2015
Head of Development - ​Strategy Agency, Development and Leadership Maranatha Christian University

I am happy to be a part of family of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University.

I am happy to be a part of the family. Even though I am a Muslim entering a non-Muslim environment, there is no discrimination; in fact, I get more attention from every lecturer. During my years here, I have studied with lecturers who were excellent in their fields. 

By telling people about my alma mater, I can work as a lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business, at Sebelas April University, Sumedang, and can compete with other lecturers who graduated from other well-known universities. Currently, I am the Head of Accounting Study Program for the period 2021-2025. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sebelas April Sumedang, dan bisa bersaing dengan dosen lain yang lulusannya dari universitas ternama lainnya, serta saat ini menjadi Kaprodi Akuntansi periode 2021-2025.

Fanji Farman, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2016
Head of Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas April, Sumedang

Professional and full-of-integrity teaching staff and the values ​​of integrity, care, and excellence also make me relevant in the financial world.

Professional and full-of-integrity teaching staff supported by a sharp and accurate curriculum go well with industry needs. They really helped me to better prepare my career in the banking world. 

The values ​​of integrity, care, and excellence also make me relevant in the financial world that relies on trust as the core business.

Aldo Putra Pramono, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2016
Mortgage Relationship Manager PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.

The Faculty of Business has qualified and supportive lecturers. The formation of my character is supported by the application of the values ​​of ICE ​​that I apply to my work environment.

My career journey started at here, at the Faculty of Business. During my 3.5 years of study, I had the opportunity to become a Lecturer Assistant and became the best graduate in the Portfolio category.

The Faculty of Business has qualified and supportive lecturers. The formation of my character is supported by the application of the values ​​of ICE (Integrity, Care, and Excellence) as a guideline for all citizens of Maranatha Christian University. The positive values ​​that I apply to the work environment include respecting time, caring for others, and trying to develop new ideas.

Starting from a student with no experience until finally getting many opportunities to continue her careers in the national and international arena, of course, my journey and hard work cannot be separated from the support of the lecturers of the program.

Raden Shafira Destiana, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2017
Public Speaker
Project Manager Research Experiment with The World Bank and Gandeng Tangan

In the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, I have learned many valuable lessons.

In the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, I have learned many valuable lessons, including soft and hard skills. In addition, it guided and nurtured my character and spirituality.

Graciela Ervina Wijaya
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2018
Executive Assistance @ PT Artha Inti Mentari
Business owner of Pecelele Gebetan

For me Maranatha was the first step in my career.

For me Maranatha was the first step in my career. It did not only provide me with academic materials: much more than that. It gave me the opportunity to develop myself, to believe in various activities that shaped who I am today.

Julianto Adinata, S.E.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2013
Master of Ceremony

Maranatha is a university that not only excels and prioritizes academics, but also applies the value of integrity and care for every student.

Maranatha is a university that not only excels and prioritizes academics, but also applies the value of integrity and care for every student.

Peny Lane
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2013
Ariesta's Tax Consultant Accountant

Two sides of the coin are always there: knowledge and skills; these two things I got while studying at Maranatha.

Two sides of the coin are always there: knowledge and skills; these two things I got while studying at Maranatha. Maranatha not only provides education, but also the formation of superior characters that make me ready to compete in the world of work. The highly focused and applicable education at MAKSI Maranatha has enabled me to compete in the global industry, both as educators and as professionals. The formation of values & character, as well as being able to interpret the calling of life is an inseparable part of practice in the world of work.

Bobby W. Saputra, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., CA., CFP , AEPP
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class I
Head of Accounting Department Harapan Bangsa Business School

The learning system offered by the Bachelor of Accounting Program at Maranatha Christian University is clear and structured to make it easier for students to plan their study goals.

The learning system offered by the Bachelor of Accounting Program at Maranatha Christian University is clear and structured to make it easier for students to plan their study goals. In addition, Maranatha Christian University also supports students in developing non-academic abilities, which are important parts of the professional world.

Andy Gunawan
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2015
Credit Analyst PT Bank Permata Tbk.

Studying at Maranatha Christian University was an important time in my career in the world of public accounting.

Studying at Maranatha Christian University was an important time in my career in the world of public accounting.

Frendy Susanto, S.E., Ak., M.Ak., CPA
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2002
Assistant Manager of KAP Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi and Partners/BDO

Maranatha is a trusted and excellent private university. During my studies, I felt that the lecturers were of good quality both academically and practically.

Maranatha is a trusted and excellent private university. During my studies, I felt that the lecturers were of good quality both academically and practically. When I need the data I need, I can get and access it easily, it really helps me. I went to college to concentrate on Professional Human Resources, and after graduating, my boss at work recommended me to HRD. The knowledge I gained during college really helped the process.

Paulin, S.AB., M.M.
Alumni of Master Program in Management Class XXVI
Director Secretary of Operations & IT of Bank Nusantara Parahyangan, Bandung

FH UKM senantiasa memberikan fasilitas yang terbaik, dosen pengajar yang professional, dan kegiatan yang menunjang proses belajar.

Ni Made Ayu Geana Sari Dewi S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012
Testimoni-Ni Made Ayu

Sebagai alumni Fakultas Hukum Maranatha saya merasa mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman yang bermanfaat.

Laila Suroya, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum Maranatha telah menyediakan bekal utama bagi para lulusannya supaya berhasil dalam dunia kerja.

Claudia Ester, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum sudah memberikan saya begitu banyak kesempatan untuk berkembang.

Demson Tiopan, S.H., M.H.
Alumnus Angkatan 2009
Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha

I am proud to be one of the alumni of the Master Program in Management at Maranatha Christian University.

Guntur Pradipto Aji Raharjo, S.E., Ak., M.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2015
Budget and Tax Planning Implementer Perumda Drinking Water Tirta Raharja - Bandung Regency

For me the Master Program in Accounting at Maranatha Christian university was the right place. It was amazing in terms of teaching and providing updated knowledge and experience in the practical work field.

Sulistyoningsih, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2015
Head of Development - ​Strategy Agency, Development and Leadership Maranatha Christian University

I am happy to be a part of family of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University.

Fanji Farman, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2016
Head of Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas April, Sumedang

Professional and full-of-integrity teaching staff and the values ​​of integrity, care, and excellence also make me relevant in the financial world.

Aldo Putra Pramono, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2016
Mortgage Relationship Manager PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.

The Faculty of Business has qualified and supportive lecturers. The formation of my character is supported by the application of the values ​​of ICE ​​that I apply to my work environment.

Raden Shafira Destiana, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2017
Public Speaker
Project Manager Research Experiment with The World Bank and Gandeng Tangan

In the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, I have learned many valuable lessons.

Graciela Ervina Wijaya
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2018
Executive Assistance @ PT Artha Inti Mentari
Business owner of Pecelele Gebetan

For me Maranatha was the first step in my career.

Julianto Adinata, S.E.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2013
Master of Ceremony

Maranatha is a university that not only excels and prioritizes academics, but also applies the value of integrity and care for every student.

Peny Lane
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2013
Ariesta's Tax Consultant Accountant

Two sides of the coin are always there: knowledge and skills; these two things I got while studying at Maranatha.

Bobby W. Saputra, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., CA., CFP , AEPP
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class I
Head of Accounting Department Harapan Bangsa Business School

The learning system offered by the Bachelor of Accounting Program at Maranatha Christian University is clear and structured to make it easier for students to plan their study goals.

Andy Gunawan
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2015
Credit Analyst PT Bank Permata Tbk.

Studying at Maranatha Christian University was an important time in my career in the world of public accounting.

Frendy Susanto, S.E., Ak., M.Ak., CPA
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2002
Assistant Manager of KAP Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi and Partners/BDO

Maranatha is a trusted and excellent private university. During my studies, I felt that the lecturers were of good quality both academically and practically.

Paulin, S.AB., M.M.
Alumni of Master Program in Management Class XXVI
Director Secretary of Operations & IT of Bank Nusantara Parahyangan, Bandung

FH UKM senantiasa memberikan fasilitas yang terbaik, dosen pengajar yang professional, dan kegiatan yang menunjang proses belajar.

Ni Made Ayu Geana Sari Dewi S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012
Testimoni-Ni Made Ayu

Sebagai alumni Fakultas Hukum Maranatha saya merasa mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman yang bermanfaat.

Laila Suroya, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum Maranatha telah menyediakan bekal utama bagi para lulusannya supaya berhasil dalam dunia kerja.

Claudia Ester, S.H.
Alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2012

Fakultas Hukum sudah memberikan saya begitu banyak kesempatan untuk berkembang.

Demson Tiopan, S.H., M.H.
Alumnus Angkatan 2009
Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha

I am proud to be one of the alumni of the Master Program in Management at Maranatha Christian University.

Guntur Pradipto Aji Raharjo, S.E., Ak., M.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2015
Budget and Tax Planning Implementer Perumda Drinking Water Tirta Raharja - Bandung Regency

For me the Master Program in Accounting at Maranatha Christian university was the right place. It was amazing in terms of teaching and providing updated knowledge and experience in the practical work field.

Sulistyoningsih, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2015
Head of Development - ​Strategy Agency, Development and Leadership Maranatha Christian University

I am happy to be a part of family of the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University.

Fanji Farman, S.E., M.Ak.
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class 2016
Head of Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas April, Sumedang

Professional and full-of-integrity teaching staff and the values ​​of integrity, care, and excellence also make me relevant in the financial world.

Aldo Putra Pramono, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2016
Mortgage Relationship Manager PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.

The Faculty of Business has qualified and supportive lecturers. The formation of my character is supported by the application of the values ​​of ICE ​​that I apply to my work environment.

Raden Shafira Destiana, S.M.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2017
Public Speaker
Project Manager Research Experiment with The World Bank and Gandeng Tangan

In the Faculty of Business at Maranatha Christian University, I have learned many valuable lessons.

Graciela Ervina Wijaya
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2018
Executive Assistance @ PT Artha Inti Mentari
Business owner of Pecelele Gebetan

For me Maranatha was the first step in my career.

Julianto Adinata, S.E.
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Management Class 2013
Master of Ceremony

Maranatha is a university that not only excels and prioritizes academics, but also applies the value of integrity and care for every student.

Peny Lane
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2013
Ariesta's Tax Consultant Accountant

Two sides of the coin are always there: knowledge and skills; these two things I got while studying at Maranatha.

Bobby W. Saputra, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., CA., CFP , AEPP
Alumni of Master Program in Accounting Class I
Head of Accounting Department Harapan Bangsa Business School

Studying at Maranatha Christian University was an important time in my career in the world of public accounting.

Frendy Susanto, S.E., Ak., M.Ak., CPA
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2002
Assistant Manager of KAP Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi and Partners/BDO

The learning system offered by the Bachelor of Accounting Program at Maranatha Christian University is clear and structured to make it easier for students to plan their study goals.

Andy Gunawan
Alumni of Bachelor Program in Accounting Class 2015
Credit Analyst PT Bank Permata Tbk.

Maranatha is a trusted and excellent private university. During my studies, I felt that the lecturers were of good quality both academically and practically.

Paulin, S.AB., M.M.
Alumni of Master Program in Management Class XXVI
Director Secretary of Operations & IT of Bank Nusantara Parahyangan, Bandung
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