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uploaded: 17 March 2023
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Bandung, February 28, 2023 - Inauguration of the new board of SEMA-HIMA Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University for the 2023 period.

During my time in the Management Student Association, I experienced many sweet and bitter challenges that we overcame together. However, all of this has put me in the position I am in now, having gained a lot of experience and lessons that will be useful in my future life. As for my message, I hope that the SEMA-HIMA board for the 2023 period can continue the work and color the 2023 period with even better results, so that SEMA-HIMA can advance even further," said the Chairman of the Management Student Association, Calvin Andrian, in his final message during the Handover of Leadership ceremony for the Student Senate of the Faculty of Business, Management Student Association, and Accounting Student Association, which took place on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

The event, which was organized by a collaboration between the Student Senate of the Faculty of Business for the 2022 period, the Management Student Association, and the Accounting Student Association for the 2022 period, was held at the Exhibition Hall on the 1st floor of the Universitas Kristen Maranatha Multipurpose Building, with the participation of all SEMA-HIMA board members for the 2022 and 2023 periods. Not to forget, there were also Structural Officials from the Faculty of Business, the Management Study Program, and the Accounting Study Program in attendance.

The event began with an opening and prayer. Then, the national anthem of Indonesia and the Faculty of Business March were sung. After that, Mrs. Imelda Junita, S.E., MT., as a representative of the Structural Officials of the Faculty of Business, gave her speech as a sign that the Handover of Leadership procession for the SEMA-HIMA board for the 2023 period had begun.

The Handover of Leadership session was held solemnly, beginning with the reading of the Decree to declare the validity of the SEMA-HIMA leadership for the year 2023 by each relevant organization's Structural Official, and the handing over of the leadership baton (Sacred Flag of the Student Organization) from the Chairman and Core BPH for the 2022 period to the Chairman and Core BPH for the 2023 period of each organization under the auspices of the Faculty of Business. After the solemn procession, a touching moment occurred when the SEMA HIMA Chairmen for the 2022 period had the opportunity to give their impressions and messages during their respective leaderships in the organization. After that touching moment, the event was closed with a prayer and a group photo.

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