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SAMARATHA DAY 2022: Today A Dreamer, Tomorrow A Leader

uploaded: November 17, 2022
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On November 1, 2022, Maranatha Business Club team led by Ms Sherlywati. S.E., M.M along with a group of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) Teaching Assistance arrived at Santa Maria Cirebon High School and were warmly welcomed by Mr. Ongko as the principal of the school. The purpose of the visit was to prepare all the equipment and finalize preparations for the Samaratha Day, which had been determined by the MBC team and assisted by fellow students from the School Student Council which would be held on November 3 & 4, 2022. Samaratha Day was a collaborative event between Santa Maria 1 Cirebon High School with Maranatha Christian University in the context of realizing the implementation of entrepreneurship among young people, especially among its students who for the previous few weeks were mentored by older students, members of the MBKM Teaching Assistance program which focuses on teaching and material related to the concept and implementation of entrepreneurship.

The school hoped that by holding the Samaratha Day event, the students would gain valuable experience in entrepreneurship practices and in managing a business in accordance with creativity and innovation to become excellent young entrepreneurs. The event focused on the Business Competition in the form of a bazaar (a stand or booth) to sell, so that students could try running a business. Not only this, there were also other competitions to enliven the event which was held for the first time and was initiated by one of the MBKM students who also served as Chair of the Committee for this event, namely Sharon Regina. There were also games, dance performance, e-sport, coloring, and several other competitions at the Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School levels. In order to add insight in terms of entrepreneurship, Samaratha Day also held talk shows with speakers from business and academic practitioners and coaching clinic sessions for each bazaar participant.

This event lasted for 2 days, November 3 & 4, 2022 and was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Cirebon, Ms Dra. Hj. Eti Herawati. She delivered a well-made speech which was then continued by Mr. Tan Ming Kuang, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D., as Dean of the Faculty of Business. Then the event started according to the rundown that had been made. On November 4, 2022, which was the second day of the Samaratha Day, we started at 07.15-16.30 WIB. Here, there was an announcement of the winners of various competitions which had been held from November 3, 2022. Thank you for the beautiful collaboration with friends from Santa Maria 1 Cirebon High School, the extraordinary enthusiasm of the participants and committee and the support of the school and community. The students' parents also inspired us as the MBC family of the Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University to continue to work and generate an entrepreneurial spirit among high school students.

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