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National Seminar "Digital Transformational Leadership" Doctoral Program of Management

uploaded: 16 August 2023
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Bandung, August 11, 2023 – Maranatha Christian University Faculty of Business Doctoral Program Successfully Hosts National Seminar on the Importance of Leadership Transformation in the Digital Era". Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Business Doctoral Program has achieved a commendable feat by organizing a National Seminar that zeroes in on the critical theme of leadership transformation amidst the ongoing shifts brought about by the digital era. The event, held on Friday, August 11, 2023, took place both physically on the 8th floor of Maranatha Christian University's GAP Building and virtually through the Zoom platform. Notably, this seminar featured prominent figures from the business and management domains as the main speakers.

The seminar was graced by the presence of two inspirational personalities who possess extensive experience in both the realms of business and academia. Mr. Drs. Susanto Wibowo, M.M., a Commissioner of PT Akur Pratama (Yogya Group), and Prof. Dr. Drs. Wilson Bangun, M.Si, Head of the Doctoral Program in Management at Maranatha Christian University, both took center stage as the keynote speakers, sharing profound insights into the realms of business transformation and leadership. Despite one of the speakers, Mr. Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin, B.B.A., M.B.A., being present only online and delivering a few words of welcome, the participants' enthusiasm and the high-quality content ensured the event's success.

The event commenced with a collective prayer, symbolizing gratitude and hope for the seamless progression of the event, led by the University's Pastor, Rev. Yohanes Bambang M., M.Th. This was followed by a welcome speech from Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, the Rector of Maranatha Christian University. In his address, he extended his gratitude to the audience and all involved parties for their valuable time dedicated to attending and enriching the seminar. Additionally, Mr. Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A., who was physically absent, was represented offline through a key speech delivered via a short video displayed on the screen. In his message, he conveyed, "Leadership Transformation through Digitalization is one of our nation's supported and endorsed strategies. Our President has also emphasized that this change requires the support of the entire society, particularly the educational community. Therefore, we must collaborate to realize this national strategy." – stated the Chairman of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The primary theme of the seminar revolved around the concept of the Digital Transformational Leader, aligning harmoniously with the intentions behind establishing the S3 Management Program within Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Business. Mr. Tan Ming Kuang, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., articulated that the sustainability of a company isn't solely contingent upon efficiency and productivity, but also on the quality of products and customer service. Innovation that adopts technological advancements, such as digital business expansion, stands as a vital pillar in achieving success.

Mr. Drs. Susanto Wibowo, M.M., introduced an intriguing perspective, underscoring that while change can be achieved, maintaining consistency in its execution poses a challenge that leaders should actively confront. He shared his experiences in managing change and imparted inspiration on how to uphold consistency throughout the transformation.

The event's final presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr. Drs. Wilson Bangun, M.Si, who delineated the origins and implications of transformational and transactional leadership. This comprehensive overview offered valuable guidance for contemporary leaders in tailoring leadership styles in the corporate environment.

The seminar series was rounded off with a Q&A session that facilitated interaction between the speakers and participants, followed by a group photo session. The event's triumphant and vibrant atmosphere wouldn't have been possible without the skillful Master of Ceremony, also a permanent faculty member of Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Business, Dr. Yolla Margaretha, S.E., M.M., and Mrs. Susanti Ridawaty Saragih, S.E., M.Si., who adeptly moderated the event.

Beyond serving solely as a platform for knowledge and inspiration, this National Seminar also formally announced the Doctoral Program (S3): Transformational Leadership. Commencing in September 2023, the program extends scholarships and tuition fee waivers for its inaugural class. Online registration is accessible through join.maranatha.edu, while complete requirements can be found at www.maranatha.edu/admission/pendaftaran-program-doktor/. Thus, Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Business Doctoral Program has made a substantial contribution to nurturing prospective leaders capable of adapting to global transformation and the digital age.

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